This site is a test bed for everything I learn and is mostly for my own benefit. As such it may be down from time to time and is subject to frequent changes.
Thought of the day: Leadership is simply being the first to act. - Edward Snowden
Recent Blog Entries
A prototype is not a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Published: Feb 7, 2023
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a term that I hear used a lot, and the concept seems pretty simple. Yet it is too frequently misused in place of prototype by junior developers and non developers (management). ...more
Senior Developers vs Master Developers
Published: Jan 31, 2023
We need to do away with the term senior developer in the software industry. Here is why I propose we start using the term Master Developer. ...more
Rerunnable data update scripts for Microsoft SQL Server
Published: Oct 18, 2022
We can implement a SQL Server equivalent of MySQL/MariaDB's "INSERT IGNORE" using MERGE INTO as follows... ...more
Rerunnable Data Update Scripts for MySQL/MariaDB
Published: Oct 11, 2022
Using the INSERT IGNORE statement you can easily manage reference table's data using re-runnable sql scripts. ...more
Preventing Windows Ubuntu Dual Boot Superblock Corruption
Published: Apr 12, 2022
Whenever I switch to ubuntu from windows on my dual boot system I get an error that the superblock is corrupt and I cannot load ubuntu until I fix the corruption using the command line. The issue appears to be windows messing from the ext4 partition. ...more