Directory Submit Cost Comments
DMOZ Submit Free It could take up to a year for your site to get listed. It all depends on the editor for the category you are submitting to. Do NOT continually re-submit your site, as all that does is put you to the end of the queue each time. If you feel you want to try and re-submit, wait at least several months to do so.
Yahoo Directory Submit $299/year for commercial sites, free otherwise Try submitting your site for free first. If it's been a month and still no listing, then pay to get in. Your site will also be listed in several international Yahoo directories. Submit $299/year For link building just get the standard annual listing, not a PPC featured listing (which is redirected link).
Best of the Web Submit Free for non-commercial sites. $69.95/year or $199.95 one-time. Many of Best of the Web's Category pages have high Google Page Rank without that many outgoing links. Good value.
Librarians' Internet Index Submit Free A very high-quality link, but not easy to get. Websites go through a thorough review and must have a lot of informational content to be listed.
GoGuides Submit $69.95 per URL. Websites are instantly included. No refund if listed. Submit $39.99 one-time fee, free for editors Guaranteed review within two business days.
Rubber Stamped Submit $29.95 one-t me review fee. Good link from a growing directory.